Francesco Monaco, a young chef from Cilento born in 1995, has embarked on a surprising journey in 2022. After accumulating several culinary experiences around Italy, he made a bold decision and accepted a personal challenge. His dream was to create a farm that reflected the values and tradition of his Cilentan lands, but at the same time incorporated innovation.His vision for the farm was clear: to cultivate unique and genuine products that represented the best of the Cilento culinary tradition. One of these products is Sammaro saffron, an ancient delicious spice that grows uniquely in the surrounding lands. This choice demonstrates its commitment to enhancing local resources and preserving the regions agricultural traditions.The bet that Francesco made with himself was not only to create a successful company, but also to do it in harmony with his homeland, thus contributing to promoting Cilentan culture and cuisine. His entrepreneurial spirit and his passion for gastronomy led him to realize this dream, demonstrating that the young generation can be a driver of positive change in the field of agriculture and the valorization of local traditions. His farm has become an example of how tradition and innovation can coexist to create high-quality and sustainable products.